With the wealth of information that is on the Internet, sometimes it can be hard to find something when you need it.
The links below are some of our favorite “hidden gems” that we have found over the years working with environmental regulations. We hope that you find this list useful, as it has proven to be useful for us.
CARB (California Air Resources Board)
- AB32 Page
- Monitoring, Reporting and Recordkeeping (MRR)
- Cap-and-Trade Program
- MRR Verifications
- CARB Training Classes
SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District)
- Home Page
- Permitting Forms
- Certified Permitting Professional (CPP) Program
- RECLAIM Program
- Title V Program
- Public Records Requests
- Proposed Rules
- Rule Book
- Fee Calculator
- FIND Database
- General Enforcement Guidelines
- Title V Guidance Document
- BACT Guidelines
- Risk Assessment Procedures
Technical Resources
- AP42
- Ventura County APCD List of AB2588 Emission Factors for combustion
- SCAQMD AB2588 Program
- SCAQMD AER Program
- Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) Smart Brief
- Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Stormwater General Permit
- Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
- LACSD Laboratory Approval Program
- LACSD Significant Non-Compliance Listing
Waste/Hazardous Materials
- EPA Toxic Release Inventory (Form R)
- California Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC)
- DTSC Online Waste Classification Course
- DTSC Hazardous Waste Tracking System
- Temp EPA ID Number Issuance
- California CUPA
- California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)